It's my birthday, too! (Yeah....)
It's interesting how many people I know with my birthday. The first person I ever met was in college and we were born the EXACT SAME DAY on the EXACT SAME YEAR. So he is turning 39 today, too.
Then I met Oliver, and we knew each other for a long time before we figured out that we had the same birthday. And then we finally figured it out in a restaurant in Maryland on the way to a dance somewhere. He's four years younger than me.
And finally, five years ago on my birthday, my little girl was born. I woke up in the dark, took a shower, and headed to the hospital to have a scheduled c-section. It was the best birthday (having my daughter) and worst birthday (surgery followed by nothing but clear fluids, broth and jello all day) all wrapped up into one.
Here is a tribute to my little girl. The best birthday present I have ever received.
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