Walking and Working

On NPR this morning there was a segment on Walking and Working at the same time.  I loved the idea of having business meetings that include walking because you are "going in the same direction".  I imagine a great deal more would be accomplished if more meetings were done this way.  

I already exercise more than 30 minutes a day, but that doesn't include walking.  Right now it includes TurboFire and Les Mills PUMP, although my bestie is now a certified Turbokick instructor so we have decided to drop TurboFire for a month so that she can practice teaching.  By that I mean I get to be her guinea pig.  We did a Turbokick round a few weeks ago and it was a fantastic workout so I'm excited to shake things up.

We will still be doing Les Mills PUMP 3x a week because I still feel that it is the best weight training program I have ever done (and that includes P90X), but we want to have variety in our cardio.  

That being said, NPR inspired me to get walking 150 minutes a week.  Not because I want to overtrain or burn extra calories, but just for the overall health benefits.  My bestie and I work out late in the afternoon, which is fine, but I like getting my blood pumping in the morning (8am type of morning, not 5:30am type of morning).  So hopping on the treadmill and getting my early work done at the same time will make me more productive throughout the day.  

So far it is working - I have gotten laundry done.

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