Salt Lake City Our City Radio Blogging

I gotta say, I am having so much fun doing the research on what I want to blog about on Salt Lake City Our City Radio!  I'm getting a lot of response from people in my network who are looking for another way to promote their products and the advertising packages are fantastic. 

Here are some of the posts I did over the weekend:

The Best Mexican Food in Salt Lake City is at the Red Iguana 

Farmers Market is Open at Gardner Village in West Jordan

Health Retreat for Women in Destin, Florida is Planned by Salt Lake City Locals

Jazz Festival in Salt Lake City is at the Gallivan Center Labor Day Weekend

If you have any ideas for events going on in Salt Lake City, feel free to comment and let me know!




1 comment:

  1. Love the blog Heidi!! Really looking forward to seeing what you do with Salt Lake City Our City Radio!
