There are women who inspire and there are women who inspire. The older I get, the more I like being around women who are who they are and don't apologize for it. They don't try to force people to like them. You either do or you don't. I realize that I am evolving into a more direct person as I age, and that some people find it offensive and others love it because they know exactly what they will get from me.
Along this crazy journey of mine that was launched last Fall after I felt inspired to go to a one day seminar, I have met some amazing women. Women who have, by example, encouraged me to just be who I am. Jen is one of those women. Jen lives in Oklahoma, which makes me want to go visit her and then go find Ree's ranch and crash whatever party she has going on. However, she seems to frequently show up in Utah because I see her at most of the events I go to.
In any case, she is a fun-loving person who comes across as absolutely real. I love it. I hope you find her as hilarious as I do!
Cup of Joe with Jen
Ms Heidi R. Totten... I love you! I just now came across this and it made me smile and giggle :) And Yes! You are coming to OK so we can go on a road trip to meet the Pioneer Woman. Funny how you wrote about me on Jan 11, 11. Love you girly..Our meeting was not by accident...btw! xxoo