The Road to Gardening is Paved with Good Intentions

I am a constantly aspiring (and aspirating) Master Gardener.  Without any sort of acknowledgements or certifications.  I took two classes in gardening at Thanksgiving Point (which have beautiful gardens) and that is why I can call myself a Master Gardener.  Also, I have five years of success and failure under my belt.  Five years in the IT industry these days apparently equals a Senior level of capability, but I digress.

This year I ripped out my Square Foot Gardens of the 4X4 variety and gave them away.  They were too close to the house and the stucco burned my stuff up every year.  I'm also going to dump the dirt and move my 3X3 beds so that they are easier to deal with.  Which means that my SFG is going to be non-functioning this year.  I had to move to plan B.

Plan B is two-part.  

A - I plan on hitting up Farmers' Markets on a regular basis.  I also plan on ordering Bountiful Baskets at least every other week.

B - I am planting everything in containers that I can move around my deck based on how hot it is and whether my plants need a little break from the sun, or if they would like to be in the sun 24/7.  That only happens in Alaska.  Where you can't grow much.  Whatever.

So today I went to Walmart and they had tomato plants that were all-in-one.  Pot, plant, tower.  They also had yellow zucchini/squash plants in the same configuration.  I bought one of each.  Let's see what they do.  I also bought a couple of other starts and plant food and while I will probably be throwing towels over the plants at night for the next few weeks, I checked the forecast and we will stay above freezing at least through the next 10 days.  

It snowed a foot in Snowmass Village, Colorado yesterday. 

1 comment:

  1. 5/22 - Still snowing in Snowmass... I salute you for your continued efforts at veggie gardening. This will be my 26th summer in Snowmass and I have finally decided that tomatoes cannot be grown here. Ever. Even inside, I say. I am not going to waste any more hard earned money on spindly sad things that beg me to just finish them off. And if I won't do it, they beg passing deer, bears, whathaveyou.
