Ocean Avenue has Launched with Five New Products

Ocean Avenue has Launched with Five New Products

Ocean Avenue has launched with five new products.  A couple of weeks ago I was talking to my dear friend about her new company.  We both love network marketing, because we both love marketing.  I told her that I love Beachbody, but that most of my customers feel that Shakeology is too expensive.  True, it is very expensive.  It also is the absolute king of ingredients when it comes to meal replacement shakes.  Anyway, I told my friend that I didn't plan on joining any other companies and then said, "Unless your dad starts a new one."  She smiled and said, "He is soft launching a new company next week."  Fast forward to the next day and I sat down at the Ocean Avenue offices with Fred Ninow and his son after meeting the Executive Team.  I was introduced to the five products - WheyBeyond, WheySmart, Empower, Invigorate, and Focus Energy.  I loved that they were less expensive than Shakeology, but were still corn free, soy free, non-GMO, and had some of the supergreens that I have come to know and love.  

New Products of Ocean Avenue are for Weight Loss AND Maintenance

I spent some time talking with everyone about the products.  They are pretty powerful and come as individual products or in specific kits.  They aren't currently available to sell online, but will be shipping at the end of October 2012.  You can sign up just to get the wholesale discount without having to build a team.  The products include:

WheyBeyond - this is more of a recovery shake for after a workout.  
Empower - this supplement is to help with inflammation.  A friend used it and his knee pain was gone in a couple of weeks.
Invigorate - aids in weight loss and weight management.  Combats cortisol induced weight gain.
WheySmart - helps stimulate the metabolism.  Combine with Invigorate for weight loss.
Focus Energy - up to 6 hours of sustained energy with no jitters and without crashing.

Because it is a network marketing company, you have the option of building a team (and now would be the time to build because it is the start of the company!  Tons of room for growth!) or just becoming a wholesale customer to get the products at the discount.  What I really loved about the company is that it is focused on the family.  Part of their compensation plan includes earning points for trips for your family to take together.  Their conventions will include kid conventions as well! 

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