Gratitude Journal: January 9, 2013

Last week my friend and business coach, Kim Flynn, fell off a ski lift and received a whopping concussion. I won't comment on the whole fell off a ski lift thing, but I would like to express gratitude in real time for this amazing woman.  The wonderful thing about a business coach that you work with for an entire year, is that you get to see their evolution and changes during that time as well.  There is no way that Kim would have done a video like this a year ago, and I love that she is comfortable enough to be real with us!  Being part of her team now is just an incredible experience - especially to learn from her in the trenches.

1 - I am grateful that I met Kim two years ago and get to Play Big in Business with her now.

2 - I am grateful that I don't ski and therefore don't get least that way.

3 - I am grateful that I am inspired by these three women on a daily basis - we laugh together, we cry together, and on the occasional weekend we eat a lot of chocolate while learning finance, leadership, sales, and marketing.

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