Last week one evening my husband and I retired to the living room after a long day (how very Jane Austen of us) and decided to have an in-depth discussion regarding our horoscopes in All You Magazine.
Not really.
The kids were running around while we were hollering at them to calm down and I was flipping through yet another article on how to lose weight by eating whatever I want when I stumbled upon my horoscope. It said something to the effect of...
"Don't buy furniture or a major appliance until the 23rd."
And then my husband's said he would make a career change or get a raise on the 17th but not to sign anything until....the 23rd.
The powers of persuasion here are overwhelming. What to do...What to BUY?!
Some of the things I have pondered include a bedroom set for my daughter, who is currently sleeping on a boxspring and mattress. We took it off of the frame so that she would stop shoving stuff under the bed. I like this type of configuration because I can start small and add to it.
I also like the idea of a French Door refrigerator such as this (only in black - hate stainless steel now)
And finally, I would love a new coffee table, square please, with a console table and probably a side table or two. Something like this:
I could put baskets with the kids books and magazines and maybe a blanket or two underneath.
Nice options. You better hurry up and buy something or your horoscope will be mad.