Advice from a Scouting Mom - The Arrow of Light

Advice from a Scouting Mom - The Arrow of Light

I love Scouts.  LOVE it.  I have been involved with it in some way shape or form for the past 5 years.  It began in 2009 when I was called at church to be over the Webelos group.  I was completely overwhelmed, but after a year I had it down to a science - knowing exactly the path a kid needed to get to his Arrow of Light.  I did that for two years, and then my son joined Cub Scouts as a Bear and we have been working on his stuff ever since.  

Tonight we celebrate my son as he gets his Arrow of Light.  It represents three years of work, and it is the only award he takes with him to Boy Scouts, which he gets to start next week and his DAD is the leader.  Nothing like having to be bossed around by your DAD at Scouts.  This is going to be entertaining to watch. 

So, what's the advice, you ask?  Well, if you are a homeschool family, incorporate it into your learning plan.  If you are not, make it a priority over any other activity, including sports.  What?!  I know I am going to get backlash on that, but truly - these are incredible life skills that these boys learn.  And not just life skills, but survival skills.  I just read an article that a big earthquake could hit Utah any day.  It's nice knowing that my son knows how to dress field wounds, can tie a bunch of different knots, knows fire safety, and can swim like a rockstar.

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